Das Besondere an diesen Stücken ist, das die ursprüngliche Form von dem Künstler Paul Burda von Hand aus Holz geschnitzt wurde. Die Form wurde dann aus Kunstahrz reproduziert um sie bezahlbar und einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen.
Durchmesser: 35,6, Dicke: 3,8cm
This image came primarily from Paul’s own book of shadows. Paul’s goal was to unite as much Pagan imagery into one piece as possible so that it could be used as a teaching tool. It shows the complexity of how everything interrelates so it is clear to the student or practitioner who wishes to discover the multilayered meanings. There are three major sections: The Great Rite with Divine Child, star chart and calendar.
Durchmesser: 35,6, Dicke: 3,8cm
This image came primarily from Paul’s own book of shadows. Paul’s goal was to unite as much Pagan imagery into one piece as possible so that it could be used as a teaching tool. It shows the complexity of how everything interrelates so it is clear to the student or practitioner who wishes to discover the multilayered meanings. There are three major sections: The Great Rite with Divine Child, star chart and calendar.
Material: Kunstharz/ Polyresin
Farbe: Silberfinish
Dryad Design Götter Göttinen Heidentum Pagan Statuen Wicca Kelten Gods Goddesses statues OBOD PFI Pagan Federation Dekoration
Diesen Artikel haben wir am 24.04.2013 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.
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Plaque - Wandtafel - Wandschmuck - Großer Ritus Pentakel - Great Rite Pentakel - Silberfinish