Anhänger "Oak Tree - AWEN - Druiden-Eiche" - OBOD - ADF - Druiden - Kelten

Art.Nr.: MI_DruidOakPendant


Durchmesser: ca. 4cm


A mighty Oak Tree's green enamel leaves combine with the Awen, symbol of Druidry. Surrounded by a circle of Celtic knotwork. By Oberon in beautiful Nebula metal.

Meticulously crafted from fine Nebula - which is nickel and lead free as well as hypoallergenic - the Druid Oak pendant by Oberon Zell is a beautiful and affordable celebration of the Druidic tradition that will be cherished for years to come.

Experience the brilliance of Nebula, a fine metal created by fusing hydrogen and oxygen with a tin and zinc base to create a stunning silver-like finish - with an amazing price point too!

Material: Gemisch aus Zinn und Zink

Anhänger Charm Amulett Symbol keltische nordisch Schutz Esoterik Magie Naturspiritualität Wicca Asatru Hexenkult Nordleute Wikinger Kelten Germanen OBOD Druiden ADF


21,50 EUR

inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Anhänger Oak Tree - AWEN - Druiden-Eiche - OBOD - ADF - Druiden - Kelten
Anhänger Oak Tree - AWEN - Druiden-Eiche - OBOD - ADF - Druiden - Kelten
Anhänger Oak Tree - AWEN - Druiden-Eiche - OBOD - ADF - Druiden - Kelten