Gürtel - Leder - Ring Belt - 120cm - schwarz

Art.Nr.: IF10600251

Dieser hochwertige und edle Gürtel ist universell einsetzbar. Er ist 5cm breit und 120cm lang (für einen Umfang von 83cm - 111cm geeignet)
Die drei praktischen Ringe sind z.B. für Accessoires wie Beutel geeignet.

Um groben Schmutz zu beseitigen, reicht es meist aus, mit einem trockenen oder leicht feuchtem Tuch über das Leder zu kreisen oder mit einer Schmutzbürste die Schmutzreste wegzubürsten. Der Gürtel sollte gleichmäßig befeuchtet werden.


You tighten your Ring Belt another notch, frowning at the watered-down soup over the fire. It’s been a long winter, and you and your family aren’t sure you’re going to have enough food. As you consider ways you might be able to afford some meat--maybe you can do some work for a merchant in town?--there’s an anxious knock on the door. “Raiders!” shouts the messenger on your doorstep. “Raiders are coming! Every able person is being called to fight!” Suddenly an empty belly is the least of your worries.


Epic Armoury’s Ring Belt is a long leather belt made from 3 mm thick full-grain buffalo leather. Strong and durable, this belt is also extremely practical with its various D-ring hangers and leather straps for attaching equipment. With a rounded belt-tongue and 10 punched holes, adjust this belt to a large range of sizes to fit your unique body. Secure the belt using its solid brass belt buckle. The Ring Belt is handsome and clean, making it a perfect fit for almost any character in any setting you care to play.

Material: Echtleder & Bronze
Maße: 5cm breit, 120cm lang
Größe: 83cm - 111cm
Hinweis: Dekorationsartikel gehören nicht zum Leistungsumfang!


50,00 EUR

inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Gürtel - Leder - Ring Belt - 120cm - schwarz
Gürtel - Leder - Ring Belt - 120cm - schwarz
Gürtel - Leder - Ring Belt - 120cm - schwarz