Art.Nr.: DD-ZTP-1613
Wunderschöner Anhänger von Paul Burda designed - zeigt den keltischen Hirsch
The mythic stag is a Celtic emblem of wildness, sovereignty, and the bountiful forest. Cernunnos, the Celtic God of Abundance, is known to shape shift into a “stag of seven tines.” Run with him in the forests of your mind and be open to the mysteries he might unveil for you.
Material: Bronze
Maße: 3,8cm x 3,1cm
Anhänger Charm Amulett Symbol keltische nordisch Schutz Esoterik Magie Naturspiritualität Wicca Asatru Hexenkult Nordleute Wikinger Kelten Germanen OBOD Druiden ADF
35,00 EUR
inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten