Art.Nr.: DD-ZPD-2316
Wunderschöner Anhänger von Paul Burda designed - zeigt den heidnischen "Großen Ritus"
This image came primarily from Paul's own book of shadows. Paul's goal was to unite as much Pagan imagery into one piece as possible so that it could be used as a teaching tool. It shows the complexity of how everything interrelates so it is clear to the student or practitioner who wishes to discover the multilayered meanings. There are three major sections: The Great Rite with Divine Child, star chart and calendar.
Material: Bronze
Maße: 2,5cm x x2,5cm
Anhänger Charm Amulett Symbol keltische nordisch Schutz Esoterik Magie Naturspiritualität Wicca Asatru Hexenkult Nordleute Wikinger Kelten Germanen OBOD Druiden ADF
30,00 EUR
inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten