Statue - Odin sitzend - Seated Odin - Holzfinish - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf

Art.Nr.: DD168-ODNW

Das Besondere an diesen Stücken ist, das die ursprüngliche Form von dem Künstler Paul Burda von Hand aus Holz geschnitzt wurde. Die Form wurde dann aus Kunstahrz reproduziert um sie bezahlbar und einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

Größe: Höhe: ca. 21cm; Breite: ca. 10,8cm, Tiefe: 9,84cm


Odin is known as the All Father, the leader of the Norse Gods. He governs War, Death, Poetry, the Arts and Wisdom. He gave one of his eyes to drink of the well of wisdom. His magical spear is named Gungnir. The ravens, named Hugin and Munin, are Thought and Memory. They fly the world during the day returning to tell Odin what they have witnessed. The throne depicts Odin hanging from the World Tree as a sacrifice. The runic inscription from the Havamal reads: “Take I up runes. I took up runes.”

Material: Kunstharz/ Polyresin
Farbe: Holzfinish

Dryad Design Götter Göttinen Heidentum Pagan Statuen Wicca Kelten Gods Goddesses statues OBOD PFI Pagan Federation Dekoration



52,50 EUR

inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Statue - Odin sitzend - Seated Odin - Holzfinish - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Odin sitzend - Seated Odin - Holzfinish - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Odin sitzend - Seated Odin - Holzfinish - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Odin sitzend - Seated Odin - Holzfinish - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf