Art.Nr.: SS_MSG
Die Spirale symbolisiert die Lebensenergie und der Baum das Göttliche, welches in der Erde wurzelt.
Design by Abby Willowroot
Höhe: ca. 21cm (zwei Fotos zeigen die passende Göttin - ebenfalls bei uns verfügbar)
He Who Creates from His Heart
The spiral symbolizes the vital magic of life. The tree represents the Divine rooted in the earth. This potent deity opens the hearts of men to the inner wellspring of their true emotions. Many men have been separated too long from their feelings, from the powers of nurturance and healing they each possess. The Spiral God represents reclaiming all of who you are as a man. He is the balanced, positive, dynamic energy that resides in all males, waiting to be fully revealed. Incised on the reverse, a flowing tree and moon provide private ritual space for growth, meditation and vision.
Spiral Lord and Black Spiral Lord #BSL can represent the two halves of the year, the stong sun with long days and the waning sun with long nights.
Material: Kunstharz/ Polyresin
Farbe: antiker weißer Stein Optik
Sacred Source Sacredsource Götter Göttinen Heidentum Pagan Statuen Wicca Kelten Gods Goddesses statues OBOD PFI Pagan Federation Dekoration
60,00 EUR
inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten