Statue - Brigid - Dreifache Göttin - Triple Goddess - Holzoptik - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf

Art.Nr.: DD141BGW

Das Besondere an diesen Stücken ist, das die ursprüngliche Form von dem Künstler Paul Burda von Hand aus Holz geschnitzt wurde. Die Form wurde dann aus Kunstahrz reproduziert um sie bezahlbar und einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

Größe: Höhe: 26,4cm; Breite: 21,6cm, Tiefe: 13,9cm

Brigid, one of the most popular Celtic Goddesses is a vast deity and can assist her devotees with nearly any endeavor. She is depicted here as the three sisters or three of the many aspects of this Goddess: Midwife - healer/nurturer/herbalist, Blacksmith - keeper of fire/ craftswoman/ transformer and Poetess - bringer of wisdom/guidance/prophecy. The three who-are-one stand on a crescent-shaped base. Symbols of her worship are hidden throughout the piece Brigid´s cross; the flaming arrow; Brigid´s bed; the bush near her sacred wells, which are tied with prayers and wishes on scraps of cloth, to mention a few. Many of the names she is known by encompass the base, even one written in ogham.

Material: Kunstharz/ Polyresin
Farbe: Holzfinish

Dryad Design Götter Göttinen Heidentum Pagan Statuen Wicca Kelten Gods Goddesses statues OBOD PFI Pagan Federation Dekoration


120,00 EUR

inkl. deutscher 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Statue - Brigid - Dreifache Göttin - Triple Goddess - Holzoptik - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Brigid - Dreifache Göttin - Triple Goddess - Holzoptik - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Brigid - Dreifache Göttin - Triple Goddess - Holzoptik - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Brigid - Dreifache Göttin - Triple Goddess - Holzoptik - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf
Statue - Brigid - Dreifache Göttin - Triple Goddess - Holzoptik - Dekoration - Ritualbedarf